THE PRACTICE OF THE FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTHThe Lord asked St. Margaret Mary that knowledge and love of His Heart is spread throughout the world, as divine flame, to rekindle the love that languished in the hearts of many. Once the Lord, showing the Heart and lamenting the ingratitude of men, the churches that are in repair frequenting the Holy Communion, especially in the First Friday of every month. Spirit of love and reparation, here is the soul of this Communion monthly to love that seeks to reciprocate the ineffable love of the Heart of God to we will; reparation for the coldness, ingratitude, contempt with which the men repay love so much. Many souls embrace this practice of Holy Communion in the First Friday of the month for the fact that, among the promises that Jesus made to Saint Margaret Maria, there is one with which he secured the final penitence (ie salvation soul) who for nine consecutive months, the First Friday, had united to Him in Holy Communion. But it would be much better to decide for Holy Communion on the First Friday of every month of our existence in communion dresses? We all know that, in addition to groups of fervent souls who have realized the treasure hidden in Holy Communion weekly, and, even better, in the daily, There is an immense number of those who rarely during the year or only at Easter, we remember that there is a bread of life, even for their souls; irrespective of even those at Easter feel the need of heavenly nourishment. Holy Communion is a good frequency to monthly participation of the divine mysteries. The advantage and the taste that it's soul portrays, maybe cause you to gently decrease the distance between a meeting and the other with the Divine Master, even up to the daily Communion, according to the Looking forward eagerly to the Lord and the Holy Church. But this monthly meeting must be preceded, accompanied and followed by such sincerity of provisions that really the soul comes out refreshed. The surest sign of the fruit proceeds will be the finding of improvement progressive of our conduct, that is, the greater the similarity of our heart to the Heart of Jesus, through the faithful observance of the ten commandments and loving. "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life" |